The Primary School Years



If you teach your child perseverance early on, it will guide him as he faces different challenges in his life. People aren’t really born with perseverance; we need to learn the trait.

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Adam & Mila


Crossing the Mid-line

The body’s mid-line is an imaginary line down the centre of the body that divides the body into left and right. Crossing the body’s mid-line is the ability to reach across the middle of the body with the arms and legs. This allows children to cross over their body to perform a task on the opposite side of their body.

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Kid Sense

kids playing.jpg

Sensory Development

You may have heard about the importance of sensory experiences and how important they for your child’s learning development. How your child uses each of their senses during playtime, mealtime and school time helps your child build cognitive skills, social skills, motor skills and much more.

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Integrated Learning Strategies , 2019

Spacial Awareness

Spatial Awareness is the distance between you and the objects in your environment. The brain eventually “clicks” once they see an object and how it relates to their environment. For example, is the cup upside-down or right side up? Will the block fit into the hole? Will the puzzle piece fit into the space?

View article here.

Integrated Learning Strategies , 2015


What is our vestibular system?

The vestibular system is your internal guide that tells your body where you are and where you need to go, which is why it works hand-in-hand with the body’s visual and proprioceptive systems. It directs our bodies step-by-step through the process of responding to gravitational pull and sends messages to the other parts of the body on how to respond to sensory information we are exposed to.

View article here.

Integrated Learning Strategies , 2016

Importance of Flexibility

Stretching is not just beneficial for children—it’s necessary! By forgoing stretching before or after exercise, your little one runs the risk of injuries and delayed recovery. A few minutes spent stretching both before and after exercising touts numerous benefits, but here are a few of the biggest advantages: gets the blood pumping, reduces the risk of injury and increases flexibility and range of motion.

View article here.

Coastal Orthopedics, 2014


Core Strength

Just as a tree needs a strong trunk to be able to hold its branches up, and withstand elements in its environment, a child requires a strong core to participate in life’s daily activities efficiently! Essentially, core strength, or postural control, is both the anchor and launching pad for everything that we do.

View article here.

Occupational Therapy Helping Children, 2019

Importance of high impact activities

In children, exercise helps growing bones to become as strong as possible to help minimise the impact of bone loss as we grow older. Children who participate in moderate to high impact weight-bearing exercises have higher bone density compared to less active children.

View article here.

Osteoporosis Australia